When it comes to mediation, there are a few key tips you should consider in order to make the most of your mediation session. First and foremost, it’s important that you come prepared with all relevant information, such as any relevant documents or evidence that could help support your case. It's also important to understand that mediation sessions are typically confidential and non-adversarial in nature, so it’s important to approach discussions in good faith and without deception.

By understanding how mediation works and keeping an open mind during negotiations, you can better work with the mediator towards a successful resolution. Additionally, it’s helpful if you have a clear idea of what your desired outcome is prior to mediation so that you can more easily collaborate on solutions with the other party involved in mediation.

Furthermore, mediation is typically focused on finding creative win-win solutions rather than attacking positions held by either party involved; this means that parties may need to be willing to compromise and give up some ground in order for everyone involved to gain something from the process.

At the same time, mediation also requires participants to proactively express their concerns so that they can be addressed properly. This means that being prepared with a clear understanding of both yours and the other party's interests will ensure a more productive mediation session where both parties can feel heard while working together towards an agreeable solution.

Finally, having an advocate or legal counsel present at mediation sessions may also be beneficial since they can provide needed guidance when difficult decisions need to be made. This can help ensure that participants’ best interests are taken into consideration while ultimately arriving at a fair agreement between all those involved in the mediation process which satisfies the needs of all parties concerned–a true success story!

Here is a source for more reading:

HPM Tips for Making the Most of Your Mediation Session